Thursday 27 October 2011


Halloween is right around the corner!!! and guess what! my parents are saying that this is my last time to go trick or treating! I'm gonna be a punk rocker with Rachel!!! I'm ssooo unbelievably stoked! I'm going trick or treating with Emily, Jaide, Sydney, and possibly Rachel! I hope Rachel can come! She is soo much fun! <3 So yeah! I can't wait it's gonna be hella fun!

Tuesday 18 October 2011

high school!

High school is wayy better then elementry! If you don't like one of your teacher's you arent stuck with them all day! That's the best part! If you don't like the class your in your only stuck in it for and hour and 20 minutes. Your lunch is longer, you get breaks in between classes! Most school's have a lunch programe, where they sell you items of food! High school is the best!!!!